My Life Sucks

R. James Miller
7 min readApr 9, 2022

What a great way to kick off a new project, but really there isn’t another way to say it. My life started sucking about 5 years ago and then continued to gradually suck more until this day when I decided to start writing about how much my life sucks so maybe I can figure out how to fix it. I will try my best not to sound like a miserable asshole while I write things for this page, but it will be difficult because I AM, IN FACT, A MISERABLE ASSHOLE (right now).

But maybe, just maybe, doing honest accounting of the things causing my life to go down this path of utter suckiness and genuinely trying to address them can make me less miserable and less of an asshole. Or I could be totally wrong and it will only amplify the negatives. But what the hell? Might as well give this a shot. Nothing else has worked in 5 years.

An Honest Accounting of the Bad (aka a not great dating profile)

1. I’m Broke and My Credit Sucks

I’m a 38 year-old gig worker. When I say I’m broke, I don’t mean I can’t pay for nice things. I mean I’m one or two bad weeks from not being able to make rent. Rent, which has more than doubled since I moved into my one-bedroom apartment in Phoenix 8 years ago.

Assholes will say to me “Well, that’s what you get for renting. You should buy property.”…



R. James Miller

Mental health, emotional wellness, opinion, & travel-focused writer. Writing about my weight struggles, personal growth, and wanderlust.