The Things I Miss the Least from the Corporate World

R. James Miller
4 min readMar 16, 2019
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

March 16th marks 7 months since I left the corporate life behind to become a freelancer. There are certainly some things I miss about having a regular 40 hour a week job, but there are so many things I don’t know if I can ever deal with again. I’m sure I could come up with a thousand things to write about on this topic but here are the first four that come to my mind:

Regular Recurring Meetings

There is no greater annoyance in corporate life than the regularly recurring meeting. The meeting that is on your schedule every day, week, or month whether or not there is anything that needs to be discussed. These meetings created untold issues for me in corporate life, mostly because I’m not the type of person who can easily hide his emotions. If I was annoyed to be taken away from my work for an hour to discuss information that had been sent out days prior via email or just chat about how our week was going, you can damn sure bet it was going to show on my face.

Throughout my career, I have worked with some really nice people who I’m sure I’d get along with socially, but taking me away from my work for an hour to do “icebreaker” activities with my team, just meant that I’d need to cram that hour of missed productivity into the rest of the day somehow. After all, it wasn’t going to just magically go away…



R. James Miller

Mental health, emotional wellness, opinion, & travel-focused writer. Writing about my weight struggles, personal growth, and wanderlust.