Two Minutes of Terror

R. James Miller
5 min readFeb 22, 2021

Day 18 of My 300 Words for 30 Days Challenge

One of my worst nightmares almost came true this morning. I had just finished taking my dog, Rogue, out for his morning walk when I came in to make breakfast. Before I started cooking, I opened the patio door in my apartment to get some cool fresh air. As I made scrambled eggs, I remember hearing the sound of the patio blinds clicking back and forth. I assumed Rogue had laid down next to the window to get a little sunlight while he napped.

When I took my breakfast into the living room, immediately something didn’t feel right. Rogue wasn’t laying next to the window or in any of his usual spots in the living room. I don’t know why I didn’t just assume he snuck off to the bedroom without me noticing, but I instantly my heart sank. I called out his name and didn’t hear anything. I set my eggs down at my computer desk and rushed to the patio door. The screen wasn’t closed! I have no clue why it wasn’t because I hadn’t been out on the patio all week and I had the door open for air the night before.

I ran into the bedroom and did a quick check under the bed and in the closet. He wasn’t there either! I cannot remember the last time I have been so terrified. I had no clue how long ago he had gotten out. Even worse the gate near my apartment has been broken for weeks. If he left the complex there was no telling how far…



R. James Miller

Mental health, emotional wellness, opinion, & travel-focused writer. Writing about my weight struggles, personal growth, and wanderlust.