What It Was Like to Watch or Listen to 5 Days of Impeachment Hearings

R. James Miller
7 min readNov 22, 2019
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Other than the Congressmen and Congresswomen who sat in the hearing room for the last two weeks, I don’t think there are too many people who watched or listened to every minute of the impeachment hearings that started last week. One fortunate (or quite possibly unfortunate) benefit of my decision to take a break from corporate life is that I have a lot of time to watch all of the hearings the Trump administration has brought me thus far.

I watched Jeff Sessions get owned by everyone who asked him questions before the Dems even had control of one legislative body. I was there for what I consider the beginning of the Mueller Report, a day of Jim Comey testimony. I saw Michael Cohen admit to committing crimes on behalf of the President. Basically, it has been a few banner years for Congressional testimony looking like daytime drama television.

These last two weeks have been the pinnacle of it all (so far). I suffered through every excruciating minute of it either laying in bed when my 6:50 AM MST alarm went off, listening to it as on my phone as I walked my dog every morning, sitting on my couch eating breakfast, or driving in my car as I did my food delivery gig work. I even listened to it on my Sirius XM app just so I could pause the stream when I went into restaurants or walked up to a customer’s…



R. James Miller

Mental health, emotional wellness, opinion, & travel-focused writer. Writing about my weight struggles, personal growth, and wanderlust.